A Quickie 2

Another holiday is approaching. Yay!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate these little breaks in between. It lets me breathe and gain back my much needed energy.
Recently, I have been feeling very different. I don't know why... Or perhaps I do but I just don't think I want to pen this down here. I hope this feeling doesn't last long.
Anyway, here's a poem for your viewing. Scary what we as a society can do to other people. Have you ever thought about it?
Something funny to be shared, lol.
Ok, I think this short poem below would describe what I feel at the moment, for which I had no words to say.
This combination of pictures below sent a shiver up my spine... What lies beneath is anyone's guess, as good as mine, as good as yours.
Ok that's all for now... hehehe. I will try to post better posts soon.. Soon. :P


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