
Showing posts from December, 2012

Rise of the Guardians

Hehehe. Yes, I did say that I WILL try not to be here so soon. But I find this too funny not to share. Hahaha. :P Guess who I had over for Christmas??? Everyone, introducing my two new bffs, Pitch and Sandman from the movie Rise of the Guardians! Say hi people! ROFL. And yes, those are the real cardboard cut outs you see in the cinemas. Complimentary of MBO cinemas Subang Parade. Hahahaha. Honestly! It's actually "beaver's dam" funny how we got this in the house. *Tsk, it's just going to clutter the living room.* My sister was so obsesssed with the movie, she went to ask them for the whole cut outs when it stoppped showing at the cinema. They relented after she argued that they wouldn't need it at all and they got it for free (Duh, to advertise the movie.) They wanted to charge her RM 50. Hahaha. Eesh. I actually thought she was joking until she lugged these in. Oh, another funny thing is, she could only take 4. That's all the car could fit...

Merry Christmas 2012

Hello all, Christmas is just around the corner. Just peep over to the other side and *boo*, Christmas is there waiting for you. Here's my Christmas prayer for each and everyone of you. Hey... the glittery thingie is actually moving... Hahaha. May God (not Santa) grant them for all of you, like how He has granted mine. Eternal protection. I will try to be missing for a while... I have a lot of things pending. I want to spend time with people I care for and miss. IF I do not come in here till next year, Happy New Year as well. God, give me strength to face what I will in 2013. Sigh. Grant me peace of mind once my decision has been made, please.

What A Week

A rough week, sort of. Been having really sleepless nights AND interrupted sleep. Monday night, I slept at 2am-ish, rushing my OB assignment. Yea yea, I procrastinated a bit. I got started the week before, then I got stuck at 2 pages and just couldn't think of anything to write to make a minimum of 5 pages. In the end, I did a 6-paged one. LOL. During the night, I unconsciously rubbed my right eye, thereby contaminating it with God knows what. Guess what happened when I woke up on Tuesday morning? THIS!!! Argh! An eye infection of sorts. Swollen eyeball. *wails* The feeling was so crappy. Dahla I have not been looking my best, I had this. Sigh. Took MC lo... Doctor said no TV or computers. I'm like "What?" And here I thought of catching up with housework doing the family's laundry while watching TV and he says no TV. :( Didn't go to work but I still went to class in the evening. I sort of slept it off with medication and woke up with reduced swell...

You Are Amazing

This is for all of you out there (plus myself, of course, :p).      No? Well, I'm telling you this now. You are!     So, don't let unnecessary negative words get to you. As they say, " The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high." Japanese proverb. Ladies too ok? Hahaha.   2012 ends in 14 days. Sigh.

My Exam Day

Boo yea! Unfortunately, this won't apply to me exactly. I have never had exams at night wei.... For the first time...! *sing song voice* Cheers to an exciting ending to the first semester! Oh goody... Exams are here. I just love 'em. Don't cha? *being oh so sarcastic* The time is near... :)

Thoughts as of 11/12/2012

I have a feeling that the judge will rule in favour of the plaintiff and us, being the defendants will lose the case in the trial... Noooo!!! A week more to prepare. Come on, defendants! About time we started to work as a team and stop bickering and ignoring among ourselves. Huh. SM says everyone in the group listens to me when I have something to say but they don't listen to her, so she uses me as a backup to voice out her opinions. I never notice, hmm... must test this theory out. I made a tollbooth guy laugh that day. Hahaha. What happend was this: I reached his booth to pay for toll (there goes my teh ais). The moment I stopped at his booth he yawned. I was smiling more to myself at the situation cause what went through my head was, " I AM that boring huh that you yawn at me. " I blurted out instead, "Mengantuk ye?" And laughed. He was caught by surprise I think. He was sheepish then he started laughing and said, "Ye mengantuk la." And k...

F & P

Some things are on my mind. Actually, a lot of things are on my mind. Too much until I have nowhere to put them and end up typing some here. For the first time of my life, I actually start to feel poor. *sad laughter* I didn't realize my scholarship application would take that long... Thought I would make it on time for the next semester but my timing was wrong. Bleah. Urgh....! So many things are due... I so wanted to keep the money for a trip next year but it looks like I have to scrap that. Mom keeps telling me not to worry, that I can depend on FAMA (father mother) loan for a while. No. How can I do that?? Santa, give me a windfall of sorts, please. I said please. See? Good girl. Hahaha. -.-' Lame. And also for the first time of my life, I am a bit concerned about my phobia. Not many people know about this cause it rarely happens. Only the "lucky" ones have witnessed it and can testify to the adverse reactions I have when my phobia c...

The Closing of a Chapter... Not.

It's the month of December now. The closing of another year, this time it's 2012. As I prepare to close this chapter of my life, the story I have written for 2012, I actually thought I would be closing another sub-chapter as well. Let's just say that I was very prepared to just sign off at the bottom of the chapter page, "Yours lovingly, Kathleen. The End." And start off with a fresh and clean page with a new chapter title. I was heading in that direction. I felt very tired, I felt drained. I felt like everything I did just didn't seem to be right. I felt I was being a pain in everyone's butt. I gave up and didn't want to give another thought anymore. Everything was crashing down and I felt like I was stuck in a sand pit. Everytime I struggled to get up, or I managed to shake off some sand, more sand was being thrown at me again. I was drowning in that sand pit and when I gulped for air, I swallowed sand instead. So, I ...