Life & Chess

You know, life is a boardgame of chessssss....

Yessss.... my friendssssss, chess.

One side is you, the other side is LIFE itself.

Let's take the ivory white players, shall we? And LIFE can take the ebony black pieces.
LIFE makes a move first because, that IS exactly what happens. Because of LIFE, you exist in the world. You didn't ask to be born into the world, (well, at least I didn't ) but yet here you are, all the same.
Then, we take our first step and see how LIFE responds to that move by making their second.
We move our pawns a square up, LIFE reacts by moving their pawn too, or perhaps their knight as long as they see fit.
Isn't it the same in reality itself?

We take different steps in life and we observe how the people surrounding us react to that step which we have decided to take.

Do they support you along the way, do they reject you and laugh at your foolish notions or do they even shy away from you, wondering how on earth you made that decision to make a particular move?

But unlike chess, LIFE has a schedule to follow.
You either roll with it or get squished being rolled on.

Chess has no limit to the time you need to make a move. You can sit there all day and analyze your various choices. You can calculate the risks of failure if you make a certain move. Of course, your opponent would probably detest you for the rest of his life.

LIFE, however, waits for no man or woman alike. You want to take time analyzing a certain move before doing it? Well, sorry to say this, but get on  with it! There and then, you have to make a decision, a move. Good or bad, you will only know as LIFE goes on a roll.

So, yes my dear friends. LIFE is almost like chess.
Or even a game of cards, Chor Dai Di. You make get the most horrid ones, but if you play your cards right, you will win the game. The game known to us, as LIFE.

Kath's note: A sudden inspiration as I was driving home today. :) (Lots of other things behind it, sigh.)


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
I like how you illustrate life using board game & card game...great!
Kath said…
Hahaha thanks Tee! :D Just an inspiration that came.

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