Happy Father's Day

Dear daddy,

Happy Father's Day! :D
Thank you for being a great father to me.

Thank you for working so hard to provide for the family.
When I was five or six years of age, I rarely saw you then as you were always working late or heading overseas for training.
We didn't really spend much time together as a father and daughter.
However, I was still lucky in a way. Busy as you were, you had time to spend on Sunday evenings with Ei and I.

You would tirelessly teach us how to ride our bicycles. Hahaha. I still remember the training wheels.
From two to one and finally one to none at all. It took a lot of falling, bruises and tears for us to be able to ride our bikes and be adventurous around our housing area. All thanks to you, daddy!

Thank you for being far-sighted.
You decided to enrol all of us into a Chinese medium primary school though both you and mommy understand not a word of it. In return, we taught you and mom the bad words we learnt in Mandarin, hahaha. Sad to say, we are still very much like bananas and we struggle indefinitely with Maths and Science. Oh well, but it's not a waste though.

We can understand what is being said, we can even help you and mommy when we go shopping by translating what the salesperson was trying to say. :D

Daddy, I will always look up to you in the way you deal with work, with people.
Of course, I do not want to be a workaholic but I admire the way you always put other people first. You always remain calm in handling many matters though every one us are hopping mad due to some incidents. Hahaha. Well, that's you.

Dear daddy, take care of your health ok? Don't sleep too late because of work. You should start to enjoy life now together with mommy. Ei is married and taken good care of. Shir is doing well in her field of study as proven in the poster you are holding. Char will do great too, she's an intelligent girl. Me? I will be there quietly supporting the family all the way! :)

"It is easy to father a child, but never easy to be a father to a child." Kath's quote.

Happy Father's Day, daddy-o!!

Signed with lots of hugs and kisses,


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