What's That? What's App. What's That Again?

The times and trends, changes so fast, that I can barely keep up with.

Trend #1 Smartphones
I do not have a smart phone. I only have a less smart phone la. I'm sorry. I am totally clueless when it comes certain to technologies and to think of the days, when I used to teach my PARENTS how to use their big dinosaur mobile phones. Today, I am being taught by my younger sister on how to play with her smart phone.

The day of judgment came when my 8 year old cousin brother (he's so adorable) joined me on the bed carrying his own smart phone.
"Jie jie, you know how to play Angry Birds?"
I answered him accompanied with a pitiful expression. "I don't know wor."
He went, "Ha? You don't know ah?!" He was in a shock. Lol.
But he was so cute, he said, "Oh, I show you how to play."
Then I finally knew what Angry Bird was... Some birds bombarding evil pigs...
(I used to think why bird, why not angry dog or cat... *shy*)

Another thing about smart phones is, they are making me feel less smart. Ok? I am outdated! My phone screen does not respond to my touch. It only responds when I push its buttons. (Hahaha. Caught the puns?) Urgh! What's App... this what thing is gonna get me in trouble some day.

I am the rare and disappearing clan of Y Gens (or is it X) who still SMSes people. Almost everyone I know are what's App-ing. "Concerned" friends have been trying to get me to buy a new phone that supports this App thingie. They've been saying, "You won't regret one...!" Hahaha. Like some marketing gimmick. I think it's cool. This App thingie. I have a rough idea of what it does... hahaha. Games are cool but honestly, I don't think I need it just yet. Yet. I will only consider getting one if friends start threatening to not reply to my SMSes anymore... :( This, is pure peer pressure. Hmph.

Trend #2 LongChamp
Know what that is? No? My my. You must either be a guy or a girl, who like me, doesn't really give a hoot about buying brands. Educate yourself here, people. If you do notice, you will notice this bag in town. A lot of girls are carrying this bag. My colleague does, my close friends do, even my cousin sister.

The tote bags are popular. It's easy to identify the bags. Nice, simple design with a circled shape zipper. I was in KL the other day and two girls sitting at tables on my left AND right, were carrying this bag. Wow... Now it will be LongChamp bags and not Coach bags. Hahaha. Honestly, just pay slight attention to the bags girls are carrying now. You will observe a certain trend for this bag. It's from the UK, Paris. Interesting huh?

Am I going to jump on the bandwagon for this? Well, nope. Not at the moment. Hahaha. I have other bandwagons to catch and jump on.

Sigh... I have to go to bed now. Having a bad stomachache... :'(


JeNz said…
whatsapp is really good! (LOL) with just a connection and you can send text with all the cute smileys and can add audio and vid too! *evil crackles*
Kath said…
Hahahaha. Now now Jenny. Don't tempt me!!! Oh no...

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