Kinabalu Training 1

Well, what can I say? I am awesome.... Hahaha. Just kidding.

Thanks to Jenny and Tee, I have started my training for the climb up mount Kinabalu. Been to Gasing hill twice in three weeks. Didn't procrastinate lalala *does a little vicotry dance* Hehe. :P

Went jogging as well during these three weeks. Another jogging session planned tomorrow, provided my legs don't hurt from the training today.

The first session up Gasing hill left me walking like an old woman on Chinese New Year's eve. My leg muscles were sore!! That's the result of being too sedentary... huh. I find it odd though since I walk up and down the stairs a few times a day, in shoes in heels, yet I was still sore.

The community of people who go to Gasing hill are kinda unique. Not all of them but a majority. We greet each other good morning when we walk pass each other. Sometimes in the quiet of the hills as we struggle to go up, you can hear people conversing about so many topics.

Today, I heard some about Chap Goh Meh and the throwing of Mandarin oranges. A guy was saying that he had no time to do such nonsense, then he commented that some kiasu guys use pails to scoop up the oranges, a girl was saying that it was just a way for vendors to get rid of the oranges. Lol. It was super amusing.

It has never failed to amaze me that people can actually RUN up and down the hill. My goodness. Here I am struggling to keep my balance and to not look back or downwards (seriously, don't do it.) and suddenly I see a group of people RUNning past me up the hill. Like, "Whoa...!"

This photo ain't taken by me. Just took it off the web. :)

Well, January is over and we're now in February. Three and a half months more to go... Don't panic don't panic.

P/S: KT, when are YOU joining us? FRIM will be our last stop. :D


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
Hey Kath,
Happy Chap Goh Meh!!
Are you throwing oranges as well?
Anyway, get one Saturday, then we go to Gunung Nuang? or Gunung Datuk?
Participant must include KT, Jenny, Kath..& myself.. try climb either one before Mount a good training...
Kath said…
Wah.... I'll try to get everyone then. Scary or not oh to climb those two Gunung?? I'm getting a bit scared.

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