

I'm back! Hahaha. I still haven't slept off my jetlag... I'm suffering from it! And I thought I was young. Eesh.

Well, what can I say? The last two weeks in Madrid was absolutely amazing. Words cannot be used to describe it. I am actually very blessed to have participated in this event. Recalling the earlier part of the year, I was quite close to withdrawing my participation as I felt that I could not commit to the monthly retreats, outings and fund raising activities. It would not be fair I thought. I am SO SO glad that I decided to go on with it after battling with several issues in my head. I suppose things just fell through in the end. :)

I went to WYD2011 with an open heart and mind. I really did not know what to expect. What I experienced was really superb. Imagine, 1.5 million people from across all continents, different languages, cultures gather together in the same place for one purpose and with one thing in common. For God.

I have never realized the sheer diversity the Church could have. It was like, "Wow..."

I will try to have more comprehensive posts about the event with pictures as well. If time permits. :D


JeNz said…
yes yes yes..time will sure permit..am anticipating story and pics!
Kath said…
I will try my best my dear! :D

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