WYD2011 August 15

August 15. The day when we prepared to head off to our respective lodgings for the WYD2011 event.

 Before that, my very first mass in a Spanish church. Wah... Feast of Assumption. (Mary goes up into Heaven.) It was a bit sad lo. Have you any idea who were the majority people in the church? OLD LADIES!! All white haired and frail looking. It was something that opened up our eyes.

 One version of Mother Mary.. I like this one. :)

 Jesus in the middle with a child and the two saints beside Him. Thank goodness we still have churches in Malaysia with statues like this. (Btw, just to clarify it in here, Catholics do not worship statues.) It just there to remind us.

 The ceiling of the church... The lighting is awesome!

 How the church looks like from the outside.. Looks like some ordinary brick building huh?

 I am imagining my grandpa sitting there and me, with my arms lovingly around his neck and shoulders. :)

The beautiful beautiful park...! 

Greenery is rare in Madrid. That is for sure... We thought we landed in some desert place.

 Some of the French youths we met. (Bad shot, lol.) They were surprised we could speak English and asked us what our mother tongue was. Well, English of course! (Or mandarin) They could not understand how come we looked so different though we were all Malaysians. See, THIS is 1Malaysia!! Not some TV or radio propaganda.

 Shot taken from the bus. How Spanish condos and apartments generally look like.

Iglesia San Ireno. My group was supposed to lodge here. In the hall. But they moved the girls. Leaving the guys here with the TWO cold outside showers. Ah! I should have taken a picture of the showers. It looked like a tent. Lol.

 Plaza de Cibeles! This was where the major WYD2011 events were held. The opening mass, welcoming of the Pope, Way of the Cross and others.

 A slightly closer look. That was the stage where the Pope later sat/stood during the events.

 A super huge banner depicting the WYD2011 logo. JMJ2011 for Spanish.

 You could see these buntings on the lamp posts all over the streets of Madrid. Nice!

 Jackie and I. She looked Spanish and could easily be taken as one. Hahaha.

And some of the rest of us that followed along for the same dinner.

An interesting thing:
Remember Andrea Fonseka? Well, her mom was part of our group. I only realized it that day itself because she went by her Chinese name. Lol. Ms. Josephine, Miss Malaysia Universe 1970.  0.o.

Buh bye!


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