Are You Perfect?

Warning : Ranting up ahead.

If you answered yes to the above question, you are either self delusional or you have an extremely high opinion of yourself. Good.

Now, let me bring you back down to earth.

Nobody is perfect.
If you are perfect, then you are a God.
If you are perfect, then why are you at where you are now?
No one is.

Everyone lacks something in some areas of their life.
Some of us are good in hiding it, behind a mask, a facade.
Some of us are not so good, and it can be seen by careful observation.
Some of us, don't give a "beaver's dam" about it and gladly shares with the world.

Is everyone smart? I would say yes, for the average person.
People with special needs are different.
The average person would be me and you.

Everyone is smart in their own ways. It's just that the world is made in such a way, that you are only smart if you are good in certain aspects. Sad...

Myself? I finally realized I entered the wrong field. Studying biotechnology was a wrong step for me. Science is not my strong subject. All through uni years, I found it hard to cope. Struggling to maintain that CGPA above 3.0 was a nightmare. I would think that if I had entered into social sciences or mass communication, I would have definitely fared better. Why?

Fact one: My only A grades were from my elective subjects and not my core. Huh.
Fact two: An ex-coursemate who was doing way badly in the course, scoring Cs and Ds, switched to arts and became a distinction 4.0 student.

See? Everyone is smart in different ways. Just because they are not smart in ways that are expected doesn't that they are less smart. They haven't found their niche. They may be even more gifted than you or me. They just haven't tapped into it yet or are yet to be given the opportunity. That's all.

People only see what they want to see.

Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouths.
Not everyone is blessed with good looks or a good physique.
Not everyone is born smart.

We struggle.

Some have that silver spoons in their mouth, but they squander it away carelessly.
Some have looks and the brains, but they are cold and think too highly of themselves.

Some people make it up with their awesome personality. They have that persona, charisma and charm which makes them very enjoyable to be with or hang out with. Because, they are more accepting and open.

I said some. Not all.
I am not perfect either.
Some reading this may feel like telling me to go take a hike.
You don't have to agree with me. I'm fine with that.

I quote Voltaire,
"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. "

Thank you Voltaire. :)
I am not perfect but I am perfect in someways. That's for sure!

For the record, we can always strive to be perfect even though we aren't. Not being perfect, doesn't make a person any less perfect.


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