Enough is Enough

 Cause I realized I sounded a bit crude (I apologize) and cause I blogged in frustration (which is never good).
I will solve this problem on my own without the need to burden you all with these stupid nonsense. :)



I have no idea why some people talk to me about those kind of things.
Look, I am seriously not interested.
Do I look like I am?
I just reply you so as not to make you feel bad and because I'm basically a polite person.
Please stop.
I really do not like it.
I don't want to hear about all these.
I have no idea how to tell you nicely.
It makes me very uncomfortable.
Why can't the topics we talk about be some other things instead of that?
Everytime I ask an innocent question, the.answers you give always always go to that.
Like "How are you?" and you say "I have not been getting any." (A politer version)
 And then you go deeper and deeper into the topic. THAT topic.
Maybe it's my fault. I keep replying. Even when I am done. And sick.
But I reply as I don't want to be rude and offend you. I try my best to veer from it but you always lead it back to that topic.

Honestly, I don't need to know and I don't want to know...

Long story short, this person scares me and annoys me with his chat topics. I feel that he chats with me just to tell me stuff that he doesn't tell anyone. Topics that I myself don't want and don't need to know and so do other people!. Seriously! You can guess what kind of topics this person goes into by seeing our chat conversation. The last word says it all....

Notice the last word? Yea, I didn't really know what it was but I guessed as much. It was totally unnecessary!
I ignored him thereafter cause I was really tired of this crap. Few minutes later, he apologised. I said, "Yea..." Guess what, few chats later, it started again...Sigh! I totally just went appear offline and promptly blocked him.

First of all, we are not close friends. We got acquainted with each other in high school and only caught up recently last year 2010 through MSN. MSN!!! I have never seen you since we left high school!!!
Secondly, I am a girl. A freaking girl. If guys talk about this among yourselves, it's fine. But why are you talking about this with me? I don't need to know!!!

It sounds like nothing but honestly, whatever I blog about in here is just the tip of the iceberg. It has been happening a lot of times, for a year. Friends have said that I should just tell him off , ignore him. I blocked him before, he added me on another account, then when I unblocked him, the new account has never been in use. (I hope it's not because he suspects I blocked him...)

It's on the verge of verbal sexual harassment yes?
Please tell me that I am not being oversensitive... :(


Seriously that person is really annoying... Tell me if he does that to you again, I will wack him as hard as possible!
Kath said…
Huh... he is!! Thanks. I'll let you know ya. Then we sama-sama whack him. :)