Driving a Manual

Wah.... I am AWESOME!! Lol. Just kidding.

Feeling a bit pleased with myself today and I shall tell you why. Hahaha.
I drove my dad's manual car today.

"So?" Some may say.

First, I haven't touched a manual car ever since I got my C license. An auto car has always been my trusty companion for transport. I have lost most of the footwork involved when driving a manual car. The clutch, break, accelerator. The changing of gear from 1 to 5. A wrong combination and your car engine dies (die fire - sei fuo) or you slide down the slope. So handling a manual car actually scares me to death.

Secondly, it's not any normal car. It's an MPV and it's my dad's FAVOURITE car. You don't want to be crashing your dad's car man. That's suicide. Sort of.

My car was kind of 'sick'. And I had to meet up with some friends for a drink. One option was to ask somebody from home to send me, another was to ask friends to pick me up, the last one was to drive my parent's 'big ass' MPVs. I thought about it, in the end I opted for the last one.

I asked dad for his permission to take his car. Surprisingly, he said yes!!! Do you know how important that yes meant? To me, it meant that my dad trusted me well enough with his car.
He trusted that I would take care of myself while driving, that I wouldn't crash his car, that I had the sufficient skills to drive a manual car though I've been on auto all the while.

I was very surprised, pleased and worried at the same time. Worried because, if something happens, I won't be able to touch his car again. I think. Pleased because he entrusted his car to me and surprised because he just did. :D

So I took off albeit a bit shakily. The car engine died once. Lol. Not bad for someone who hasn't touched manual for years lo. I'm actually surprised at myself that I dared to take his car. Cause it's bigger than mine. My left leg got tired of pressing the clutch. And I think the the engine whirred (Gear too low) a bit as well. It wasn't a smooth ride especially when I changed gears.  Totally forgot sial. But I slowly got the hang of it. When I reached, my hands were cold, clammy and my knees were actually trembling. I had to hold the car for support when I came out. That was how nervous I was. *Sshhh... don't tell my dad. He'll panic.* I was at gear 3 and drove at 50km/hr. Slow like some tortoise only... Thankfully nobody tailgated me. Huh.

I reached home safe and sound too. Hahahaha. Not sure if it was plain stupidity or pure courage that I took dad's car. But one thing for sure, I am pleased with myself.

Let's just hope that I didn't  mess up anything in his car.

