Day 2 of 30 Day Blog Journal - My Favourite Movie

When I see the words "My Favourite Movie", the first name that pops into my head is Harry Potter Lord of the Cracknuts Rings!!!

Yup, I love LOTR. The whole trilogy. Well duh... it's a whole movie separated into three parts just so they can earn more money.... hmm....

Why? Well, *shrugs shoulders* I just love it!!
I love the elves who won't die unless they are shot or pierced by an arrow. They look so... clean... Fair skin, gold flaxen hair. Imagine if they stood in front of the sun. I think I would be blind. Hahaha. I adore Legolas. He has all these awesome action scenes in each of the trilogy. I only remember the second one. The fight at Helms' Deep. Legolas went down the stairs on a shield while shooting his CGI imposed arrows. Whoosh...

My mom likes him.... Can you believe it? Haha.

I also adore Aragorn. He has this rugged, unshaven look that only looks and works well on him. I think if other guys tried that look, people would mistake them as Hobos. Aragorn, the reluctant heir to a kingdom. And betrothed of the lovely Lady Arwen. His character is of the silent, contemplating type. He didn't shine out much as a King, but when his time came, there was no doubt who was the real heir.

Stern looking king...

Believe it or not., I didn't like the hobbits though they were sort of the main characters of the show. I didn't like Frodo and Merry especially. Hahaha. Merry annoys me with his antics, Frodo was just being... Frodo. Sam, however, was a good loyal friend. And Pippin? The cute mishap fella. Hahaha.

The four curly mopped head hobbits...

Gandalf the grey, was great!! Honestly, I think he and Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter are very similar. Two wise old men, with a long white beard, crinkly smile, long pointy (drooped rather) hat. And these two men are the ones the minors look to for advice. Hogwarts students, hobbits, elves and so on.

Ooppss.. Sorry. Gandalf the White. Naik pangkat dah.

Gollum.... Ah... who can forget this freaky looking thing that half walks and half crawls, calling out for his Precious throughout the trilogy. The only scene that had an impact on me (with Gollum inside) was the scene  (I think) during LOTR 2. Gollum was struggling with his alter ego Smeagol. It was kinda fascinating watching it. Kind of  like an angel and devil on your shoulder thing where Gollum and Smeagol were arguing among 'himself'. One telling the other to go away, the other trying to dissuade him.

The freaky troubled little fella... Kinda look like the flesh eating 'monsters' in the movie Descent 1 and 2. Horrible movie.

Sometimes, in our minds, we too struggle with decisions and actions. You find yourself debating in your own mind, "Should I do this of that? If I do this, this will happen. If I do that, that will happen. But this is better for me. That is not so good for me." Maybe not so much like Gollum (extreme good and bad) but I'm sure there are days when we struggle with our thoughts. I know I do. Haha.

So yea... my favourtie movie. It should be titled my favourite movie's characters instead. Yes?
But this is my interpretation. So be it.


P/S: As promised, before end of Feb. I am GOOD. Lol.


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