Two Sides of the Same Coin

Rewards and punishments are two sides of the same coin – both are used to control people, and neither works very well.

Was actually looking up the meaning of two sides of the same coin because two sides to every story is slightly different and I didn't want to use the wrong idiom. I saw the above statement as an example of the usage and it kind of, well, strike a chord within me. (Am I being bombastic?? Ha.)

If what the above statement says is the Bible truth, then what are we to do? A coin to me is still a coin no matter which way you look at it. I can use it to buy stuff wert, no matter which way I pass the coin to the other person. :P

So rewards are rewards and punishments are punishments. Is there a somewhere in between?
Can we balance these two factors out so that both are not overused to control people and so that both work perfectly well together instead? Is there? I don't know. I am trying to figure it out too.

It's like trying to place a coin standing on its edge without it toppling over, right? Haha.

Moderation is key I suppose.
A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Makes the world go round and that's a fact.


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