I Missed Peter Pan the Musical


I cannot believe that I actually got two free invites to watch Peter Pan the Musical in Sunway Lagoon but I am here blogging about my not being there!!! Urgh... The irony of it!!!

I am supposed to be there... now... at this moment, watching the musical and perhaps heading on to SL Nite Park after the show.........But I am not!!!

Because I didn't know I was one of the few lucky ones to be chosen! Huh.
I was checking my email for days, inbox, spam, there was nothing. And the day (today) was getting closer. So I thought I didn't get chosen.
Then I was too busy with other stuff I sort of neglected my email checking for three days.

Till I got a call today, at dinner time, bout 8pm. And the pass collection booth closes at 730pm because the show starts at 8pm!

The guy was like, "Is this Kathleen XXX? I'm calling from All Malaysians Blogger Project."

When I heard that, my heart dropped. It meant I was one of the few lucky ones to be chosen but I was not there because I did not know anything about it. I felt like crying!

I was quite upset. I was at a dinner and I didn't go there on my own so I couldn't just up and go over to Sunway Lagoon. Huh.....................
I was quite shocked in a way as I didn't expect to be chosen. This is my first time getting free passes for an event because of blogging. My first time being lucky. And I totally totally missed the opportunity...!!
*Feels like pulling my hair out.*

Later, I sent a text message to the guy. I just mentioned that they should have followed up with a phone call. It's always a good thing to do. He replied saying that they normally do but this time they didn't because of circumstances.

Next time, Kath!!!


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