A Bowling Slip



I am an epic klutz. Sports (or any form of exercise) and I probably just don't agree with one another.

Firstly, of all the empty spaces in a badminton court on to which I could place my foot on, I had to go and step on the shuttlecock we were using while we were playing. I admit we don't have a pair of eyes at the back of our heads and who on earth looks on the ground while playing. But still, I HAD to step on it. Statistics-wise, I would be in a very very small percentage of those who do. :(

Secondly, I fell off a moving treadmill in a gym before. Anyone recording the incident would most probably win big bucks in AFHV... Again, I'm one of those rare ones.

Last but not the least, which happened just two days ago, I fell on a bowling lane. Oh my gosh. It was like totally uber embarrassing. And hilarious in a way. Do you know how slippery that darned bowling lane was?? The experience was like trying to walk without falling on a floor of butter or oil.

I dropped my ball too soon and my reaction was to 'save' it. Down the ball went, down my right foot went on the slippery lane and down the whole of me went. Then I couldn't get up. Sort of like an overturned tortoise you know. So, I just laid down for a few seconds to coordinate myself. Luckily YK came and help me up. If not, I will end up sleeping there.

I think I must have provided a lot of amusement to the people present there that day.

Maybe I should have followed the ball down the gutter too, then at least I would have strike-d. Hahaha.

Again, how many people do you know have these things happening to them? Rare right?
So, what does that tell you?
That yours truly is unique and one of a kind. *breaks out in laughter*
(Sure going to get it from some people... ha. Just kidding.)


An advice: Learn to let go. If you don't, you'll only end up hurting yourself in the process.
See, I couldn't let go of a bowling ball. Thus, I ended up hurting myself. Ha!
(Inspired after the incident)


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