What Happened at KD

I nearly got knocked down by a car today (21/7/2010).

It was after work and we (YK, CY and I) decided to head over to Kota Damansara to have dinner at Arisu, a Korean BBQ restaurant. YK had parked her car so I went further up as there were more parking spaces available and I could park my car in peace (meaning, no other cars behind waiting for me, I hate that).

I parked and walked back to where YK and CY were standing by YK's car. It was kinda dark. I had to cross over to the other side of the road at a so-called cross-junction. I am very careful (duh). Thus, I always look out before crossing (basic road lessons we learn, look left look right look left again).

Cars (normally) signal when they want to turn right to enter the road I was crossing. You can also gauge whether the car is turning, even if he is not signaling, by observing the way they drive. This particular car did not signal and did not make any signs of turning into that road. In fact, it was driving as though it was heading straight. So, I cross.

Suddenly, without warning, the car turned right. And, I was already in the middle of the road and the car did not seem to have slow down at all. I was expecting the car to. When I saw the car coming right at me, my first thought was this, "I'm going to have a broken leg." Don't ask me why. No idea. It just popped into my head at that very moment.

My "fight or flight" hormones were not working. I was not really blur yet that moment seemed to me as if I were in a different dimension. I managed to just SAFELY cross to the other side and the car missed me by (roughly) six inches. Thing is, the driver did not see me at all!!! Oh my gosh.....

Why I say this? Because when he finally turned fully into that road, (I turned to look at the idiotic driver) his eyes just seemed to register that someone had just crossed in front of his car!!! His speed was not slow and he did not even honk at me (Msian drivers honk like crazy), meaning he did not notice me when he turned.

I was so shocked. I just kept walking without registering what really happened until I met YK and CY.

It was a blur and it still is till now.

Thank God, really, Thank you God for taking care of me.
That moment, seeing the car heading at you, with no signs of slowing down, is not a situation I want to be in ever again.


JeNz said…
i'm glad you are safe kath!!!
Kath said…
Thanks Jenny!!! Me too.... :)

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