Me and my Canto

Argh!!! I feel like an idiot today.
I have already mentioned before (I think) that my cantonese is very very bad. My native tongue is English. Has, is and will always be. But, before you people are quick to judge, I also know Mandarin. I read, write and speak it. Of course, due to 'rare' usage or practice, it has also somehow deteriorated...hahaha. Damn.

I learned canto from my late grandma and aunties who all speak a lot of canto, and of course, Hong Kong TVB dramas! Unfortunately, canto does not come easily to me!!! I knew it during uni days, when coursemates from Ipoh all spoke fluent cantonese and there I was struggling. In the end, I always switched to Mandarin as I am still more fluent in it.

What happened today makes me hate myself. And forces me to speak more canto and watch more canto dramas!!! It was about 1 something in the afternoon after a meeting and I went to pack lunch for myself and my other colleague in the shop. I ordered chicken rice. Everything was ok until he asked me which part of the chicken I prefer. Oh God........ Know what I said, instead of saying 'kai pei' for chicken thigh/ drumstick (blur) I went and said 'dai pei' (human thigh). Then the guy looked at me and started laughing...!! Aaahhh....!!!!! Super embarrassing...I felt like sinking into a hole in the ground. I seriously felt stupid...aahhh...

Next time, I am going to order everything in  Mandarin. Thank goodness I was wearing my sunglasses. But I could feel my face redden at that time. Eesh!!

And no laughing!!!!


chian said…
dai bei LOL
Kath said…
Aaahhh.... I felt super super embarrassed!!!

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