Crowded Facebook

Facebook is getting a bit too crowded for me.

I am a personal kind of person. I value my privacy and treasure it like it's the last thing on earth. Being internet savvy, joining social networks, blogging, all these activities just kind of take away that security I hang on to.

It's not big a deal. Hey, I love blogging and I am too insignificant in the web world to garner any stalkers or hardcore fans. Haha. Thank God. So I can happily blog in here, (almost) everything I want to say.

Facebook, however, is becoming a different story. Ever since the mistake I did with my account in Friendster (I approved every Tom, Dick and Harry's request), I have become very selective in who I approve as my friend and of course, who I add. It is not that earth shaking, ignoring friend requests from unknown people, especially when their profile pictures are blank, pictures of animals, food stuff and inanimate objects. Like what the hell... If you want to add me, you jolly well show me your face. (Unless you're some pervert or a deranged lunatic)

Ignoring people was easy. Until, I started to get friend requests from my aunties, uncles, and respected church people. Uh-oh...

How do you ignore them???

Facebook has TMI of my life. Photos of me clubbing, drinking, eating, laughing, walking, posing, shitting are tagged and displayed to all my 300+ friends. Naughty comments, hot moments are also available to 600+ inquiring eyeballs! I say and do a lot of stuff on facebook.

Like my status. How am I going to say things like "Bloody hell!", "Crap", "What the hell" when I have aunties, uncles and church people who can read all this??? Then news will get back to my parents from so-and-so. "Oh, Marie, you know, your daughter has this come hither look in her pictures." (For real) Blah blah blah. Annoying.

Haha. Being one of the older grandchildren and an active person in church, I sort of have a role to play and stick to. It isn't really nice for them to see me being drunk, using 'foul' words, dressed inappropriately and others. I keep ignoring their  requests. But for how long??

Truth be told, there is nothing that scandalous in my facebook. Nothing shocking at all.

But still, I prefer some parts of my life to be separated and not crossover from one side to the other.



JeNz said…
hehe..gud thing FB has got privacy settings :))
Kath said…
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chian said…
i still remember the days when you used to tell me we shouldn't use the word 'hell'. it's a BAAAD BAAAAAD word. now look at you.

bad role model :P
Kath said…
Hahaha. Seriously I slack a bit.. saying heck and hell a lot...Sorry. :P

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