WYD 2008 Theme Song

I love the tune of this song!!! Sung by Guy Sebastian and Paulini.

This was the theme song for the World Youth Day 2008 which was held in Sydney. It's an event where Catholic youths from all over the world gather together to get to know each other, have fun and of course to praise and glorify God!!!

As usual, me being me, wanted to go but let something else withheld her back. Third year of studies. Sigh. Now I think of it, could I still have caught up with my studies had I left for Sydney for that two weeks??? Maybe... But it's hard to say.

Well, fret not. WYD will be held again next year!!! This time in Madrid, Spain! I plan to make it one of my goals to achieve. Work hard, save hard and play hard. I hope I can get to go this time.

Yes, I can do it. :)


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