A Humble Experience

On Thursday, I felt humbled by a simple yet a great experience.

A customer entered our shop, looking at the variety of workout that gloves we had. His back facing towards me, I greeted him courteously and informed him that we had more variety of gloves at the other side of the shop. I was ignored. A few minutes later, he turned, smiled at me and walked to the back of the shop where my other colleague was standing. As he was looking at a particular product, my colleague informed him of the promotions we had going on for it. She was also ignored.

Being ignored the first time, I was a bit annoyed. (I was wondering why was the customer a bit rude.) But I continued to smile and put on my cheerful expression. (Haha, don't we all??). He suddenly grabbed a shaker and looked towards me.

I said, "It's 20 Ringgit, sir."

Immediately, he used hand gestures to indicate he couldn't hear. Realization dawned on me and I quickly went over to where he was. I answered him using my own intrepretation of hand gestures. But when I could not express myself, he mimed the act of writing and I got a pen and paper (Still blur heh).

Thus was our conversation in the shop as he asked about stuff. Prices, fat burners, discounts. All was exchanged over a piece of paper. When we were finally done, he joined his index finger and thumb to make a ring sign, saying okay. He then gave me a smile and left the shop.

That was my first experience in meeting a deaf and dumb customer.
My very first and an experience which I will not forget.

It taught me a few things:
1. Never judge people. You'll be surprised.
2. To be grateful for everything that I have. I am perfect. I can hear, talk, see and move around.
3. To appreciate things in life. No matter how small or big they are. And take time to. :)

Bon voyage.


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