Self-Esteem and Self Motivation

Do you know what's the most important thing you can have for yourself and which no one can take it away from you?

Self-esteem and self-motivation.

It's certainly not easy when you are constantly being bombarded by annoying gimmicks and advertisements depicting thin women with two huge melons as being the picture perfect beauty. I mean, it's picture perfect alright but not necessarily real-life perfect. Heck, it's not even real. Being called fat or being poked fun at is definitely not helping either.

I have a healthy BMI value, I look good and yet people are saying I am fat. What the hell??!!
I am not being vain and yet I am not being self-delusional. I know I am not fat and neither am I thin.
But then again, it's also a relative judgment. Hey, if I stood next to Naomi Campbell, then for sure I am fat as hell. If I stood next to Queen Latifah, it's a different story altogether.

So? Who gives anyone the right to say who is fat or not?
Or rather who has the right to lower your self-esteem?
Just close your ears or let the words in through one ear and out through the other. (Constructive criticism is accepted though.)

Be confident of who you are and love yourself. Because if you don't, how can you expect to love others and be loved yourself?

Another thing that irks me is that I sometimes lack motivation. Truth be told, before I ever started working for real (part-time jobs and filler jobs not counted), I did not really understand the true value of being self-motivated. Until recently, that is. Job advertisements normally list requirements of potential candidates and one of the often noted ones are self-driven and self-motivated.

And yes, I finally and truly understand that. Being self-motivated in my job is increasingly important as I begin to realize. Why? Hahaha. A lot of reasons. For example, if you are expected to hit a certain amount of target sales or product sales, but there is no incentive, nothing whatsoever of its kind, even if you do, how would you react? I bet a lot of people would take it cool and slow. I did the same. Lol. (Hey, it's bad ok?)

Then I told myself, "No. I cannot work like this." Hence, came in the self-motivation thought. I now motivate myself to hit whatever target as close as I can manage, using all my willpower and mind strength. I feel happier and better when I notice that I can do it. It's just a matter of a personal challenge and mind over matter. When I manage to push a particular product that is required, I go, "Hey, that's one less product already." Yes! Nothing is impossible.

I just have to keep telling myself that. :)

Have a nice day.


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
hi, Good to see you change..:)
Kath said…
Hahahaha. Thank you!

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