Home-Cooked Dinner

Worked night shift today as I wanted to go for my long-overdued facial in the morning. Why? To beautify myself of course. Duh. (sarcastically). Well, you know how it is. Girls... *rolls eyes*

So anyway, I didn't have to eat in any of the restaurants in Subang Parade or Carrefour!!! Hahahaha. And I am so so happy! I tell you, six days of eating in a shopping mall is enough to kill you. And make you sick.

My wonderful mom, I think most probably the best in the world (hehe), brought me home-cooked dinner! Yums! The feeling of being loved is like holding a bowl of hot soup during winter time. Ok, maybe not. But hey, if your mom cooks dinner and brings it to your workplace, just so you can have something other than over-priced food, who wouldn't feel loved and special??? Right? :D

Mom decided to try something different today. She decided to do fish bee hoon (dry style) ala the Penang style we tried a few times before near the Sunway hotel in Penang. I was gobbling up my food (so unladylike) when I thought I'd dirty my handphone with my oily hands and take a few photos. So I can make you salivate...

The fish cutlets... and strands of leftover bee hoon. I love bee hoon by the way, more than kuay teow and most definitely, yellow mee. Bleah...

For dessert, fresh organic strawberries... Gorgeous. Looks too good to be eaten.. hahaha.

My darling old mom thought of everything!!! Fried food means oily no? Yes. She even packed freshly brewed green tea for me in a small thermos flask!!! God, it's like first class service. No, wait, simply indescribable!!

All these, yes even the thermos, came in this green insulator bag (is that even right?). Courtesy of Rosken, some buy two bottles, free bag thingie. Haha. And I thought it would be stashed in the house somewhere.

By the way, guess where I had my dinner. Bored that I was, I took some photos just for fun from where I sat eating my dinner and where people kept looking at me while I was eating my dinner. Jealous!!! Hahaha.

Subang people had better know this!!! McD's! :D


JeNz said…
the power of mum's love!!
chian said…
awwwwww so warm~
i wish my mom could do that! I totally understand the feeling of eating in the same shopping mall for 6 days a week!
Kath said…
>Jenz: Most definitely!! :)
>Chian: Hahahah. I know..! We're in the same boat. Almost...

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