Google's Predictions

I am quite a curious person by nature, which more often than not causes me to land in a lot of trouble. Sort of. Ah well, that's me. :D
Anyway, I had nothing much to do one day. Hence, out of curiosity, I decided to play with Google web...Hehe. Google's search engine has this prediction 'thingie' whereby you just have to key in the first few words and Google will show you a list of what you could possibly be searching for. Most easy example is song lyrics!

I randomly keyed in a few words, and, checkout what people all over the world are searching for!!!

This is the "I like to-s..."

I like to play games... Hmmm.... Good for you. Thanks for sharing. *sarcastically*
Why would anyone search for that???
However, the most outstanding one is....*drumrolls*
I like to fork myself!!
What the heck is forking yourself??? It sounds utterly wrong and eewww....
And besides, I don't think I want to find out what it means anyway.
Fork myself?? Huh... Not gonna eat with forks now...
Oh, and for goodness sake, is the word "Firefly" that hard to remember that one has to key in a whole line just to get the lyrics?? Hahaha.

Next, is the how to-s....

Hack facebook??? Get a life and give people their privacy ok?
Make love?? Easy. Go watch porn la... Though it is NOT advisable to!!!
Get pregnant?? Learn how to make love first la then you can get pregnant.... D-u-h.
Lose weight and fast?? Definitely not by sitting in front of your computer/notebook searching through Google. Exercise and diet my pretties!
Play guitar??? Obviously. Go for guitar playing lessons or ask Charlene my sis for help. :)
How to kiss??? Just place your mouth on any parts of somebody else's body....Simple.

Hahahahaha. See? Problems solved!!
Elementary my dear Watson.



chian said…
hahah how to solve rubik's cube!! I'm one of the millions of ppl who has googled that :P
Kath said…
Serious? Hahaha. And did you find what you wanted?

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