All is Not Well

Yes, thank you. I know my blog is growing mushrooms now. Shitake hopefully. :D

I have no inspiration to write. Till now I suppose.

I think people, generally (me included), have to be careful with their words. Becareful with what you say.

Sometimes the things we say, mean nothing to us. But to the other party, it could either hurt them, kill them or the other way round.
Sometimes when people say things that cut us deep inside, we just smile and pretend that we take no offense at what they say. But once we're in the safety of our hiding place, we cry. And cry and cry till our pillows are soaked with tears. But no one sees these tears or hear the pain you feel when you cry.

Then the next day, you go back to class or work, smiling, laughing, pretending that all is well. We look well, but if you look closely, you can see the hurt or pain in our eyes. The dark rings under our eyes cause we couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning in agony. It is even more painful when you face the same situation day by day. And you can't run away from it. (Or can you??)

All is not well. It is not, ok?

I pretend. I pretend to be happy and cheerful as if I were a very carefree person in the world. But I am not.

I am not...


JeNz said…
prolly u need a good break
chian said…
hey ngah ngah, are you ok? why so emo?
Kath said…
>JenZ: :) Maybe... *shrugs*

>Chian: You'll see me tmr..! Then you can judge for yourself. :)

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