Sesame Street

I was just commenting the other day about educational shows for children during my childhood days (make me sound so old). One of the shows I mentioned was Sesame Street!! One of my faves!! I have always loved the show and I enjoyed the different characters that came along with it.

  • We have the yellow Big Bird, whom if I'm not mistaken, is a bit of a blur case.
  • Oscar, the grumpy fella who lives in a 'mobile' garbage can. He walks and holds his can wherever he goes. Haha. He's kinda mean.
  • What's blue, furry and loves cookies??? The Cookie monster!!  I remember that everytime he gorges down his cookie batch, crumbs will be flying everywhere..! And he only knows how to eat, eat and eat.
  • Oh, then we have Elmo. The guy with the "oh-so-NOT-annoying" voice. *holds nose and speaks in a high squeaky voice* "Hello everybody. What are we going to do today?"
  • Count Dracula!!! True to his name, he counts almost anything he can get his finger on. There was this episode where he even counted the amount of food on the table!! The other characters were irritated. Hahaha.
  • And then, we have Ernie and Bert!! I'm not sure if they were brothers (most probably not) but they lived in the same house. I remember Ernie was the more easy-going one, whereas Bert was more stern and serious. And he'd always be scolding Ernie..hehe.

These are the only few main characters whom I remember clearly from SS. The others have not had much of an impression on me.
Recently, Google website featured different characters from SS for each different day on their search engine. I liked it a lot and finally, today, we have the whole cast of SS appearing! And I have decided keep this as a memory to remind me of those wonderful times.




Lai Tee @ Grace said…
I wondor why they put on Sesame Street on Google search page? Is it children day?
Kath said…
Oh if I'm not mistaken it was something to do with Sesame Street's anniversary...hahah. I think.

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