Barney, Teletubbies and Whatnots

People of my generation will probably have heard of kiddy shows like Barney, the Teletubbies, Sesame Street, Electric Company and many others. While all these shows are great and meant to improve a child's knowledge from many aspects, there some shows which I can never and will never ever stand.

Any guess which ones they are? LOL.
I particularly dislike Barney and his 'cheerful' voice. Hate his purple body and that big fat tail. He's one irritating dinosaur. Remember the song, Barney always sings in every episode? The I love you song? Well, there must be a lot of anti-Barney people out there. So much so, they came up with this song.

"I hate you, you hate me,
Let's gang up to kill Barney,
With a big bang bang,
Barney's on the floor,
No more purple dinosaur."
(Sung to the tune of the original Barney song.)

There are actually a few other versions, but I think it's a bit offensive to put it here.

The other irritating characters on kiddy shows that irk me, are the Teletubbies. I have no idea why some people say they are cute. Oh right.... cute equals adorable but ugly right? Haha. I have only watched a few episodes, so my judgment maybe biased. I have no idea what the symbols on the Tubbies head are for. Communication? (some sort of aerial thingie I suppose) What's with the tummies on them? You could at least call them Teletummies. Heh. Fat bunch of colourful blubbers. I am mean... LOL. Whatever it is, I find them gross.

It doesn't help when people like me, come across pictures like this.

Those guys had better not think of wearing this for Halloween. I certainly do not want to think about what other people will do to them.


Ya dear kath, totally agree with you. I don't like telletubbies as well... Perhaps I don't like those programmes that using the big big animal costumes... Feel a bit scary... I also dun like barbie dolls with big big eyes as well, reminding me one show when I watched when I was young... But couldnt really recall what the show is as I was kinda small at that time
Kath said…
Hahah. Hey I actually recall you being scared of these kinda big animal costumes. Not sure whether you told me before, or someone mentioned it to me.
JeNz said…
haha..when I was teaching at the art center, that barnie song was what the kids sang through the class...
Kath said…
Hahaha... ooppps. Don't spoil it for them ya. :D Let them enjoy the song for now till they're older. Heh.

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