Homemade Applesauce

Who loves apples???
I do!!! I especially love them baked and cooked though I know that the raw ones have more nutrients. But still. I also love apple pies. The ones that I will remember most are the ones baked by my late paternal grandmother. Hers was the best. Know why? Cause the pastry was just thick enough, crispy and she always always loaded her apple pies with a lot of filling!! (Heheh, yea I know. I only eat the pie for the filling.... LOL).

Anyway, I was feeling kinda hungry that Sunday. There was nothing much to eat in the house except for some biscuits (which I get fed up with) and apples and carrots. So I decided to make my own apple filling aka applesauce. This was my 'adventure'.

First, get some apples (duh). Hey, and please get green ones or Granny Smiths. No red ones or Red Washington's ok? Green apples taste the best and no one ever uses red apples in apple pies (I think).

Wash, wash and wash!! Peel off the skin then you don't have to bother with the wax 'rumour' we find on apple skins. (I forgot to peel mine). Then slice each apple into eighths. Put them in the pot. :D

Pour just enough water to cover a height of about 1 cm from the bottom of the pot. (Honestly speaking, the amount of water you choose to put, depends solely on your personal taste and preference). Bring to boil. Then simmer until the apple slices become brownish. Oohhh, don't forget to sprinkle a bit of brown sugar to add a tinge of sweetness. (Again, how much you sprinkle is your own choice).

Apple slices should all be soft and easily mashed. As I didn't peel the skin off my apples, this was how they looked like. Weird. The water level will go down. If you'd like more 'syrup', just add a slightly bit more water into the pot.

See the water at the bottom? That's the syrup! And it's sweet too! Mmm.... Heavenly! Hahaha.

Finito!!! (Finished) All in my tummy. Licked till the pot was clean. Not! But hey, it's really delicious. Enjoy it.

Ta-da!!!!  Hahahaha.


chian said…
so you only eat this filling? O.o
that's alot of apples for yourself..
Kath said…
Hahahah Yea! Hey, I could finish all the apples know? Hehehe.

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