Silly Bloggers

Irresponsible bloggers have invaded the cyberworld and tarnished the name of responsible and good bloggers.

And no, I do not mean blogs by politicians.. I don't give a crap about them and their blogs. True or not.. they're all blogged from their perspectives of a certain issue... I gave up caring (though I did before, no wonder so many youths prefer to be complacent)..

Anyway, the irresponsible blogger I want to talk about is.. about immature secondary school students using blogs to flame people who are in their classes anonymously.

Yes, gossip girl style!

Like wth??

Naturally, the ones who belong to that class saw the blog and started commenting, not only on the horrendous English but also telling the person to not be a coward and show up.

One of the posts were quite vicious in my opinion. Anyhoo, anyhow, anyway....hahahah never flame people in your blogs. Gonna back fire on you. And the WHOLE cyberworld will know. Hah!

Dare you take the risk??

Oh ya, wanna see the blog I mention?


i want to see... who is the blogger?
chian said…
i want to see too :)
Kath said…
Ok! the website is

I got from my sis hahaha.
JeNz said…
haha..i think that girl is in her growing up stage..pathetic, don't you think?
Kath said…
I know!!! Really pathetic.. too much free time on their hands.

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