I got a slight shock today. Though when I think back about it, it's pretty amusing.

Bruna Chian Li. It has your name, Chian Li!!! Wow...!
At first, I was wondering what happened to Chian's blog... then I remembered the dash. So insignificant yet important...Hahaha. Just a dash and I'm somewhere else...
I wanted to go into Chian's blog but I was lazy to go through my blog to go to hers.
So I just keyed in her blog address.
This blur girl here (yours truly), missed out a dash. (-)
And guess where it led me to???

Bruna Chian Li. It has your name, Chian Li!!! Wow...!
At first, I was wondering what happened to Chian's blog... then I remembered the dash. So insignificant yet important...Hahaha. Just a dash and I'm somewhere else...