Another Malacca Trip

Chian blogged about us in Malacca on 20th June 2009. Read here.
What you guys may not know is that we went to Malacca last year Aug 2008 too.

Lookie here!!
Aug 2008

June 2009

Aug 2008

June 2009

That's all!!!

(Yea, I didn't resize my photos...)
Purpose of entry??? I don't know... hahahaha. Wanted to show the same background.. but a bit diffferent. But it's the same place. :D


chian said…
why never resize your photos!!!! you lazy bummmmmmm
eh yahoh, we took the photos from the same angle..=.=
Kath said…
lazy lo...hahaha. Yup that's what I noticed..

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