Lost Things

I'm feeling down today. Sad, tired, dull.
Just feel like sitting down and stare into space.

I lost two things in the space of just two days.
Yesterday, I lost my umbrella as I placed it in the canteen when I went to have my lunch. And I totally forgot about it when I left!!! So now, I have no idea where it is. Whether the cleaning lady took it, the noodle soup seller aunty took it or even some desperate students who were stuck in the canteen and couldn't get back to the lab.

"Ayo, raining la. How to get across?" Looks round.
"Eh," Nudges friend, "there got umbrella leh. Looks like it's still functioning. No one's around. Should we take it?"
"Hmm.. take only la.. Its' here for us. Maybe it's a free gift."
"I'll keep it afterwards, can save for other rainy days after today."
*Evil snickers as my umbrella is whisked away, never to be seen with me again.*
*Wah!!! Cry...*
Today, I lost my magnetic bracelet.
I have been wearing this bracelet everyday and night for a year plus. It has never been taken off before even during my bath.
But today, it is gone, just like that.
The clasp must have become unbuckled and the bracelet slid off my wrist without me noticing.
I know I had it on during today's lecture.
But I noticed its disappearance during tutorial.
So my attention was already diverted from cDNA and mRNA.
Went round looking for it after class/meeting. Canteen, toilet, lab.
No trace of it. Wonder who took it this time?
RM 400 ok? Beaver's "Dam" it!!!
Ahh!!! I'm so upset about this. Can't concentrate. I just want it back, please?


xnos said…
wao!! many things happen on you ,kath...i think you busy your fyp make you blur-ing during lecture...
cheer up girl...everything will be fine soon!!^^
everytime i lost my important things or money..i just feel sad for a while only after that i will think how i get the things or money through my hands..either earn money or do whatever...
so dont think too much already..it's gone, and wont come back again, look forward!!go go go kath!!^^
Anonymous said…
don't be sad edi la...already happen and we can't do anything oso rite...just concentrate on ur work now and study for our midterm nex week!!! hugs**
Kath said…
Xnos: Yup, thank you ya. I know it's gone. Haha. I asked the canteen people, they say most prob students take adi.. haha. Go go Xnos!

Mandy: Yea... I know. Thanks. You study hard too.Hugs.

Jenz: :D Hugs!
chian said…
awwwww...that sucks!
hugs :)
don't worry, i'm sure you'll still be healthy without the bracelet ;)

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