
Yea... I've been really busy till my blog is stagnant and mosquitoes are laying eggs in it. Huh.
Hahaha. Don't mind me. Had a bad day today.
I'm doing Soxhlet extraction as part of my practical for final year project, which requires a heating mantle, and also condenser. Care has to be taken that our solvent in the flask does not dry up lest the thing explodes as it is super hot.
This is exactly what happened in the lab today.
My extractor exploded in front of my project mate. Thank God she wasn't hurt.
Summary: Water was everywhere, oil was everywhere and broken glass pieces were there to greet me as well. The stench coming from our exploded stuff was so unbearable till the chemistry students had to move labs. Sorry!!!
But I strongly feel that it is none of our fault as both our flasks still had solvent in it so we have no idea why it exploded. Sigh.
In the end, we have to clean up lo...hahaha. Took mops and pails from the 'kakak' downstairs. She saw her pail upstairs and was like. "Itu gua punye." Surprised look. Hehehe.
It was oily la... super oily. Good news means that we did extract oil lo!
Yea and we gave the chemistry lab a free cleaning job. Should have seen the place before and after. Hahahah.
Still sad over the explosion k? Where to get extra apparatus to use? Eesh. Haven't report yet also.
And scared as well. Paranoid adi...


xnos said…
walao~~very dangerous leh!!
luckily din hurt anyone..
hey girl, add oil for your fyp ya!!hehe!we move forward together..^^
Kath said…
Yea.. really lucky. Haha. Add oil... I very oily adi..hehehe. We can do it! Yes!
JeNz said…
OMG! i guess science is just unpredictable. Glad that you gurls are okay!!


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