Languages of Love

Wanna share something with everyone on the languages of LOVE!

Nope, I didn't create it. I read it off a book authored by Dr. Gary Chapman. The book is titled "The Five Languages of Love" with some variations in words though. Credit goes to him. I just do a summary from what I understand.

Basically there are five unsopken languages in the world of love.

First: Words.
Some people feel loved when others tell them that they love them. Like, "I love you" and whatnots. Compliments, encouragement are also included. "I like the way you tie your hair." Etc.

Second: Gifts.
Some people feel loved when they receive gifts (things) from other people. Be it on their birthday's valentine's, Mother's or Father's day.

Third: Time.
Others feel loved when people, who mean a lot to them, spend quality time with them doing activities together. But the activity must be some thing of interest to both parties!! Haha.

Fourth: Touch.
Others feel the love when they receive hugs, kisses or even a pat on the back from other people. A simple touch can also make the person feel loved.

Fifth: Acts of Sevice.
This group of people feel loved when people do things for them. Like running errands, taking out the garbage, helping them to carry stuff. Simple acts of service.

Generally, everyone has a combination of these love languages but there is one which will stand out the most.
Thus, you have to identify which one suits you the most.
And as with others, it's best to know which is their dominant love language.
This will help you in communciation with others, esp in Love!! Haha.
So, I hope this helps everyone in life, in relationships, in everything!

For more information...

You got to buy the book. Boing!!!


chian said…
i am NOT going to buy that book

*curi curi slipped RM100 note into pocket to get to MPH*
Lai Tee @ Grace said…
I heard those before...from 1 of my friends...
so, it serves as reminder...
still...I don't know I'm dominant to which...what do you think? LOL
Kath said…
Chian: Don't buy don't buy lo. Eh eleh... RM 100 cukup ke? Hahaha. *curi curi take your car key and hide it*

Tee: Hmm.. I'm not sure.. I'll try to figure it out for you k? I suppose, time? Sure it's not me who told you? Hahaha.

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