Black Fingernails

Hehe... Had black coloured fingernails for a week.

Those are my fingers! Pretty is it not?
Why I did so?
I have my reasons.
It's something different and I wanted to try out something new.
And also curious to the reactions I would get.
Wanted to go with the black dressing and bold eyeliner but didn't.
Later people run away. :(

"Wah, siong hak sei yan meh?"

"Ayo, gave me a scare!"

"Why Kath, why?"

"Kath, didn't know you would paint this kind of colour!"

"Nice ah."


"Sexy, though in a weird way."

"You going Goth ah?"

"Eh, makes your hands look fairer!" (Hahaha, thanks.)

"Is this part of the fashion nowadays?" (From my dad) (No, dad. :D)

"It's black." (Youngest sis)

"Look at what your daughter's doing. Don't know which world she's going to/ coming from." (From my mom, with a fake disgusted look on her face)

Some just look at me. Raised eyebrows. Shakes head. Mouth open.

People in the train looked at me weirdly too. Hahaha.
So did the people in the elevator when I went to my dad's office after I pressed the lift button. Hehehe.

One more colour to try out!! Hahahaha.


JeNz said…'d be one nice crazy idea if d G2 girls find one day, dress up and go to uni and give everyone a new style of 'black nails' and 'bold eyelids'..

LOL...btw..thanks for the effort today! i'm looking forward to wearing our new class T!
Kath said…
Haha. Yea! That'd be cool! But I'm not sure whether all girls will be sporting enough though.
G2 goth girls...hahaha. Funny!
Anonymous said… cool!!!!
sexy chick!!! hohoooo....
(like mouth-watering wolf)
chian said…
Black is soooooo in.
Kath said…
Charmaine: Wah leng lui, sure or not.. want to go all black? Haha. Ham sap...hahaha.

Chian: Black really in ke? Hmm... I must be slow then.
Anonymous said…
whats ur next colour to try out? white?? i used to put white colour to class and 90% of them asked me:" wei...why u put liquid paper on ur fingernails??"

Kath said…
Mandy: Hahaha. Nope, not white though my friend did buy that colour. The other colour I have is turquoise! Hehe.

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