Prologue (US)

I'm back!!!

It was such a wonderful and amazing experience. Being in a country other than my own. My eyes are opened wider and I get to see things which I would normally only see on tv. And I get to observe for myself the truth of what people may say about that particular country.

The trip was totally great and really enriching.

I would think that pictures say a dozen words. Unfortunately I do not have that much pictures. Only some. But I will be getting them from everyone who was on that trip. 17 girls and 2 guys only. If I counted correctly.

Right now I have no idea where to put the pictures I have. Here? Multiply? Flickr? I'll settle that later.

For now I want to share what happened to me. A traveller's worst nightmare.

Anyone can guess?

Yea, I 'lost' my luggage.

And it had to happen to me... Sheesh..
Almost 100,000 miles or more away from home, without my luggage. Imagine my panic la. Reached my destination to found out my luggage did not come with me.

No luggage = No clothes (Oh oh...)
= No toiletries (gone is my face and skin)
= No phone charger leads to no communication
= Inconvenience!!

So I made a report at the Newark airport with the help of our tour guide. Turns out that the check in person/lady/blubber head in KLIA in Msia tagged my bag wrongly with another person's. My bag was to be unloaded in Newark but it got off at Stockholm (our transit stop). The other person's was to be unloaded at Stockholm but it followed us to Newark.

Urgh!!! Stupid check-in person. MAS should totally find this person if a lot of passengers are claiming refunds and claims because of misplaced baggages. I'd be glad to help... Check in counter number 13-16.. somehwere there. But I shall be kind and fake some memory lapse. Cause I do remember the time and counter number.

Some may say it's my fault. Hel-lo?! This was my first time flying international since I was 7. Even at that time my parents were there to do everything. I'm not a frequent flyer (obviously) so how the heck would I know. If I knew, I would have stood at the counter and made sure she did everything properly. Oops.. did I mention she was a lady?

Ah well.. when I told my friend bout what happened, she laughed as she thought it was funny. It is funny now. But at that time, it was horrible. Even my mom thinks it's funny now.

But it's an experience and also a lesson to learn. So to all future 'flyers' just becareful where your luggage gets tagged to.

Another thing, I didn't have my luggage with me for my whole one week trip as a result of this. Only God knows how I survived. Muahaha.


chian said…
awww poor ngah ngah!
i bet u've been singing "i will survive" during the past week right? ;)

tell us more about your 'adventure'!

and oh yeah, going for the gathering this friday? please go :)
Esee said…
Nabeh the stupid check in idiot!!

eh, means you never change underwear for one week ah??

Kath said…
Chian: I should be going gua. Long time nv see everybody. Wonder how everyone looks like now. Haha.

Esee: Got la!!! I have ways to survive. Yuck! I'm not that gross.
JeNz said…
ouww..that's totally not funny at all! especially when you are all the way to US and thought of having fun -- only to find out that your luggage was missing!!!!!
i'd be both furious and helpless at the same time!

by the way, was that the utar trip?
Kath said…
Jenz: Yup, it was the trip organised by UTAR. I was furious and speechless and disbelieving.. only thought was why me? Hahaha.

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