Poem for Finals

I couldn't study for my molecular biology lab test yesterday. And the lab test was today.. so I suppose I could have done badly. Thank goodness I won't get back the paper. Well, oblivion is bliss. Haha. I was too busy thinking about my finals.

Thought so much about it until I could make a rap cum poem about it. Geez...

Here goes...

Day and night,
Study study study,
With all my might,
But is this right?

Studying molecular biology,
Makes me wanna go for therapy.

Next in line is genetics,
Man, I'd rather join some politics.

Now here comes cell tissue culture,
I just don't get the whole picture.

But with culture and communication,
I do hope I can get some salvation.

Day and night,
Study study study,
With all my might,
Now, it just seems oh-so-right!!

Hahaha... it's short and silly. :D


chian said…
ahaha..why cannot study?? gosh lol
Esee said…
ahaha short and silling like you!!

JeNz said…
LOL..it's good..really!
Kath said…
Chian Li: Don't know leh.. Just couldn't.

Esee: What short like me? And silling?

Tee: Hehe. Thanks.

Jenny: Thank you thank you. :)

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