
Her head throbbed maddeningly as she sat down in front of the computer.

Her breath coming out in deep, short gasps.

Her heart, pounding ever so furiously as if it will die should it slow down one bit.

Her hands, cold and clammy, shaking vigorously.

She slowly held up the cup to her lips. The cup shaking slightly, threatening to spill over that precious liquid, as both of her unsteady hands gripped it tighter.

She knew that she shouldn't but she couldn't help it. It was just too intoxicating, addictive. Her life depended on it, yet ironically it could also cause her, her life.

She could just stop right there, and throw the cup away. Together with that liquid. But she, was a stubborn one.

So, slowly she parted her lips, and sipped in that glorious warm liquid. Feeling it, savouring it, as it trickled down her slender throat into her stomach. This kind of feeling was just too great to give up. Too great to think about the consequences or after effects.

Did she think it was worth it risking her life like that? Did she have any regrets doing what she did?

Well, she will never ever know.


JeNz said…
i see..that's exam stress..LOL
Anonymous said…
haha...i think thats coffee ya? i thought u get the runs when u take coffee? erm...slender throat? hahahaha... its me.K
Kath said…
Jenny: Yea part of it I suppose.

K: Was wondering who it was... Runs? As in cold?

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