Schweaty Balls

Got this from my mom through email. I asked her for it as I liked it very much... Hahaha.
I think if you just listen to the words without the screen is good enough to get a laugh..
Size is a bit big, so please wait for it to load finish and enjoy!


Esee said…
nga nga like shweaty ballss hahhaha
JeNz said…
now i know...kath kath's faves are balls..glistening, mishapen balls....oohlala..
Kath said…
Esee: I don't like la.. i just like the way they say it.. bUt i wonder if they really do sell that kind of food leh? Schweaty balls...

Jenz: Hahah. Glistening with juice.. ok i would eat it. Nice gua. But not my faves oh.
chian said…
hahahaha...I shouldn't watch that when I'm hungry...makes me even more hungry :P
is that suppose to be a serious talk show or some funny ones?

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