Elections 2

Wah!!! I just went for my very first country's 12th general election voting!

Exciting for me.. Cause I am a new voter ma!! Young people should definitely go and vote. Wake up fellow friends, play your part, it's important, no matter if it's just YOUR ONE vote.

YOUR ONE vote can make a drastic change in anything.

Imagine if all the young people out there from 21 to 29 all thought that their vote is not important, do you know how many votes would be missing?

About 4 million if I am not mistaken... my figure is just a rough estimately la.

So, go and vote! If you're not registered, register now. So when the next election comes.. you can vote too. Which is in four, five years time. (Don't worry, time passes by very fast.)

Register to vote...

And now, I am eagerly waiting for night fall when the election results are announced.


Johnny Ong said…
so glad to read that u were excited for the general election, tho a bit too late to read this.

voted for hannah?
Kath said…
Hmm.. I suppose you could say that. :)

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