My Naughty List

This topic just came into my mind as I was studying for my genetics last night.. great time for inspiration.. haha.

Here is my list of *ahem* naughty things I have done in high school. (Incomplete perhaps?)

1.Taking stacks of litmus papers (both red and blue) home after Science lab lessons in form 4 and 5.

2. Slipping a few pieces of filter paper between the pages of my form 6 Chemistry textbook.

3. Broke test tubes during lab but did not report it. (I'm a coward!)

4. Being a librarian, I get to check out my own library books without actually really checking it out. Sorree. (Trust betrayed) Result : I still have some library school books with me at home.

5. Eating discreetly (hiding) in school library during my librarian duty in form 6.

6. Hiding away library books which I want to borrow, to prevent others from borrowing it before me. (Yea, I did that.)

7. Scamming on senior guys by looking through the past years school magazine..hahahaha. (Just kidding, I don't scam.)

8. Bringing illegal stuff to school, not weapons or cigarettes or porn, but liquid paper and, rarely, my handphone (which I think is stupid) then hiding it everywhere when prefect spotchecks are held. (Dustbin, teacher's handbag, and giving it to prefect friends...hehehe, even the science lab drawers! So much rubbish you can find in them.)

9. Eating in class during lessons. (I was hungry and it was just once or twice.)

10. Last but not least, I am ashamed of this one. I actually pointed the middle finger to someone during form 2 (won't tell you who), as I was so angry with that person, but I really regret it. I have come to realise that it was very immature and idiotic of me to do that. Have not been doing it since then, that was the one and only time. Thank God.

That's about it, if I remember some more, I will add a sequel too! Hahahaha.

By the way, this morning when I came down the steps in my house, I stepped on a cockroach and crushed it. Barefootedly. Accidentally. And I fear cockroaches tremendously. So, imagine my scream...


chian said…
eeek!! cockroach! come I don't know about your middle-finger story?? lol pointy pointy
Esee said…
How come your naughty stuff all so goodie goodie wan? LOL
Kath said…
Chian : Embarassed ma... so didn't tell anyone lo. But I was immature at that time. Haha. Luckily the person didn't see.

Esee : Cause I gooie goodie one lo. Hehehe. Like you meh?
Lai Tee @ Grace said…
Kath, are u confessing your wrong doings after so many years..? lol
I would say that your naughty list was normal during that time...most people did that during too..but not all that listed...:P
Kath said…
Hahah. Ya lo, and not everyone is a librarian and is privileged to uh hum borrow library books without checking it out. Life time borrowing hehe.

Some friends even took magnesium tape home leh!!
JeNz said…
LOL..i was a librarian before i got promoted to a prefect..Was pretty cool to be a librarian coz sometimes i get to hide in the library saying that i have some duties to do -- to skip PE lessons..hahahha

and i nicked a 10ml conical flask home...HOHO..still have it here...really very cute! so i can't resist it
Kath said…
Hahaha.. Jenny! Quite unexpected of you...hehe. One day you must show me the conical flask.. Can't believe it.

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