A New Year Story

A new year has come, so obviously new things must be incorporated, old plans remade and restructured, standing plans to be accomplished and done with. All the while, I had decided not to put in any photos of people in my blog. Every photo you see in this blog, are animals, things, food and other quirky stuff. Never have I put in photos or pictures of people, but I have decided to change that for this year. Thus the purpose of this entry. My first entry of the year and my first entry with photos of actual people in it. Hope we enjoy it...


What do people do when they want to usher in the New Year? They drink of course. Heinekken, Malta and leong cha all made an appearance. Applause. So we drank.

We gambled. Look who has the biggest card in her hand.

We even had liquor chocolates...

And then we drank some more...

We drank so much, we became like this in no time...

And what do drunk people do when they're drunk? And either not aware of it or simply deny it? They do this... (Die, pomelo, die!)

But first, we must receive the Samurai sword from the enlightened master.

Then only we can chop the pomelo, especially with the encouragement of an umbrella-wielding lady. Hai-yah!!!

But after a moment's thought, we decided that we weren't that drunk and spared the poor pomelo from its fate. Instead, we decided to pose with it.
Endnote : Do not mess wtih girls when they're drunk, especially when they have a real samurai sword, an umbrella and a pomelo in their hands.


Anonymous said…
you stupid creative girl
JeNz said…
hahahaa..CUTE KATH KATH!!
Kath said…
Chian : Haha. Thank you thank you. I appreciate the creative not the stupid though..hehe.

Jenny : Hehe. Thanks.. :)

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