Marriages & Men

In my younger days, I used to have this idealistic thinking about love and marriage. To me, love was always true love and true love led to a happy and ever lasting marriage. That a guy, will love you for who you are, what you are, accepting all your faults and everything about you. Even if you weigh like a hippopotamus, or look like a slice of Domino's pizza.

I thought that inner beauty always surpasses external beauty. I thought.

I thought that when two people marry out of real love, they will do things together, grow old together. That they will always be happy together, no matter what. I thought.

But then I said, I THOUGHT.

When things like cheating on your spouse happens so close to home, it makes me wonder. What on earth went wrong? My eyes are opened even wider and I have just come to realise how naive/innocent I was.

Here I am picturing a perfect life of married people, no doubt with the occasional temper flares, but still happy and loving, when in reality people are arguing more and more and cheating even more slyly!!

How could a married man with such a wonderful loving wife and children, whom he has spent his life together with for over 20 years, decide to choose over them for a younger MARRIED woman?!!!


A woman whom he meets through his daily walk around the neighbourhood.

A woman who works in the same company as him.

A woman who... Argh! I don't know! You tell me!

A man who used to be kind, rational becoming irrational, impatient, unloving. Who rarely raises his hand upon his children, now hitting them for any small mistake made.


Don't you dare tell me that your faith is also important to you. Don't you dare!!! Your faith doesn't tell you to cheat on your spouse. You only have faith in name, not in actions and in your heart! Don't pull faith on in this. Don't...


Have you no shame? Have you none at all... to do things like this.

Are you so blind to the wounded feelings of your family, just because you were too busy wanting to satisfy your own self? Geez...

But they are stronger people than you.

Regret it now, you better. Before you lose them for good.

This is one reason I have also sort of lost some hope in guys. Good guys are hard to comeby, great guys are even rare. But jerks? Aplenty like the sand that you find at the beach. Neverending. Guys... urgh....


Esee said…
ooh nga nga so emo...go rip their balls out k?
chian said…
welcome to the real world
..don't turn into a les!
The world is still beautiful, I see a halo on top to you *angels flying around us*
JeNz said…
oh well..too bad that we can't do anything to change that natural side that comes along in men.

they cheat and they lie and they wake up on another day thinking,'i didn't do that to hurt her. it's for a better good'

i guess it's all come down to lust and connection (or so they thought that they have a connection with their mistress) supposed to go for the 1pm lect but then again...i'm so lazy! CNY is approaching and i just felt lazy. LOL.....see ya after cny!!
Kath said…
Esee: Well, now you know who is it, kinds of put things into perspective doesn't it?

Chian: Don't worry girl! I still love guys! Simply adore them. Well, not all of them, obviously.

JJ: True, it's in their hormones I think. Then again, men do go through middle age syndrome. Perhaps this is how it's like.

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