Goodbye 2007

Haha.. going to make it compulsory to say goodbye to each year that passes by.

Memorable Moments of 2007

January : My 21st Birthday!!! Enough said right... Had a party at home. Yay!

February : Did not go round to visiting my relatives this year, especially my dad's side as we had to come back to Subang. (Dad had to do something). So, obviously, our ang pau income also dropped drastically.

March : Hmm... nothing memorable here enough for me to remember...

April : Had my exams? Nothing exciting going on obviously...

May : Went to Pulau Redang with Uni friends! Had fun snorkelling and stuff. Got sunburned. (Duh)

June : Donated blood for the first time. Still am proud of it. Yay!! (Mind you, I am very scared of needles, so it is a big thing for me. Will I do it again? Uh...). Went to Kuantan with another group of Uni friends, supposedly to see turtles.. But the turtles didn't want to see us. :(

July : Classes? The adrenaline rush of running from hall to hall? Library to Canteen? Haha. (Edited). I forgot. Attended my first ball, UTAR ball!! Yeah baby..

August : Went for my first hiking trip at Bukit Gasing. All thanks to LT who introduced this activity. Hehe. Still going occasionally.

September : Extreme stress over exams caused me to breakdown and cry.. (If not, laugh ah?)I had five memorising subjects and I do not understand one subject at all! Biochemistry le..

Oohhh.. my year's getting more exciting as it comes to a close.

October : Had to resit for one paper.. Biochem. Eesh. My first. And last I hope of all future examinations. Went to California Fitness gym for one week trial at Mid Valley. Thanks to LT again. Haha. It was fun and sweaty. Started my industrial training at FRIM too. Oh ya, went to new shopping mall, Gardens, with CL and CY. Real posh.

November : Still in the middle of my training.

December : Ended my training on the 14th. And I rebonded my hair! Incredible, could not actually believe that I would do it also. Haha. Went to A'Famosa. And Christmas!!!

And this has not passed, but yet to come, a whole week (22nd to 30th) of busy nights. Parties, dinners till the end of Dec! Anyone for countdown on Dec 31st?? Call me.. Hehe.


Esee said…
ooh teknik rebonding..haha
Lai Tee @ Grace said…
maybe I should do summary like yours too...maybe for 2008..hehe..looking forward to it..
Kath said…
Esee : Tak, hanya guna syam-pu saje.

Tee : Do do. Then I can see what interesting things happen in your life.

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