
Aahhh!! Stupid house printer had to choose this perfect timing in ruining my project report!! I have no idea what's wrong with it. It still has ink but when I print more than one page at one go, the ink disappears! So, I now have to go through a gruelling time-waiting game with it. Five minutes of wait, print one bloody "beaver's dam" page. Grr... Eight pages to go. Help.

Okay, the paragraph above was not originally part of my blog today. But I just had to let it out.

What I want to say about today are my food likes and dislikes. Haha. It just came to me. I have funny food tastes for a Malaysian.

Know why?

I dislike eating durians. I like the smell, yes, but I seriously do not like partaking in the ritual of tantalising my bud with its aromatic creamy flesh. Sorry.

Once, my family decided to have durians for lunch! (They are all durian lovers). I was like "What?!" Yuck!! Not surprisingly I threw a tantrum... Was in my teenaged years I think. I don't care. How could anyone eat durians as a major meal!! Yer!!!! It's like eating ice-cream for dinner... sigh. Haha. Now that I think about it, it was very childish and immature of me to behave like that.

But, speaking of ice-cream, I am falling in love with the durian flavoured ice cream from Walls. Just finished off a small bowl.

I am so weird.


chian said…
yucks!! durian lunch!!
aahahhaah why fatt pei hei la? lol funny lah you
Kath said…
Cause I seriously was angry and didn't like the idea.. told them adi but didn't listen to me :(. oh well..never again.

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