My Experiment/ Project
Yay! Today was my last day of industrial training. Had loads of fun. Here are some pictures of what I was doing. But it's not really good or descriptive of what I actually and really did. At least you get the rough picture. Pun intended. By the way, outside the lab, is a sign saying, "No photography". But then, who gives a "beaver's dam".

This is the column with which I started my column chromatography using silica gel 60.

A closer look... I didn't do it so well.. thus the colour is not even. When it's well done, the colour will be even and you can see even coloured bands appearing too.

A fraction collector. You just leave it be and it collects your fractions for you.

Another fraction collector. You must put in the weight which you want it to collect though. Then it won't overspill.

Test tubes containing my fractions. See the colour change? Cool huh? Hehe.

Top view.

Another collection of fractions. Colour is becoming darker. Look from right to left.

My mircrowell plate with Vero cells (African monkey kidney cells). Colour indicates presence of cells.

Three plates. Two belong to Vero and one is for WRL-68 cells (human liver cells).
Today, I also gave a presentation about this project which I had done. It is actually not quite finished as I have yet to get to the basic compound but it's alright since there's a lack of time. Other students can continue where I left off. Haha.
Was very nervous during my presentation.
Reason : I was presenting about mangosteen. The audience were research officers who have been doing research and formulating products using mangosteen, claiming its benefits. I, however, had to contradict them. Meaning find fault with mangosteen, proving it is not necessarily good for health. (My project was testing the toxicity of mangosteen towards normal cells and it is toxic! Well, the rind anyway, and we don't eat it.)
I was quite worried they would 'shoot' me with questions.. haha. They did but not so much. Thank God.
My supervisor said I was very daring to say all the bad things about the mangosteen. What to do? Haha. I had to!! If not how was I going to present the results I got, right? Oh well.
That's done with. I had fun!!!

This is the column with which I started my column chromatography using silica gel 60.

A closer look... I didn't do it so well.. thus the colour is not even. When it's well done, the colour will be even and you can see even coloured bands appearing too.

A fraction collector. You just leave it be and it collects your fractions for you.

Another fraction collector. You must put in the weight which you want it to collect though. Then it won't overspill.

Test tubes containing my fractions. See the colour change? Cool huh? Hehe.

Top view.

Another collection of fractions. Colour is becoming darker. Look from right to left.

My mircrowell plate with Vero cells (African monkey kidney cells). Colour indicates presence of cells.

Three plates. Two belong to Vero and one is for WRL-68 cells (human liver cells).
Today, I also gave a presentation about this project which I had done. It is actually not quite finished as I have yet to get to the basic compound but it's alright since there's a lack of time. Other students can continue where I left off. Haha.
Was very nervous during my presentation.
Reason : I was presenting about mangosteen. The audience were research officers who have been doing research and formulating products using mangosteen, claiming its benefits. I, however, had to contradict them. Meaning find fault with mangosteen, proving it is not necessarily good for health. (My project was testing the toxicity of mangosteen towards normal cells and it is toxic! Well, the rind anyway, and we don't eat it.)
I was quite worried they would 'shoot' me with questions.. haha. They did but not so much. Thank God.
My supervisor said I was very daring to say all the bad things about the mangosteen. What to do? Haha. I had to!! If not how was I going to present the results I got, right? Oh well.
That's done with. I had fun!!!
so did the professors agree with you or not?