
Tomorrow will be the last day of the fifth week of my industrial training. And then, yay, three more weeks to go!!! After that, holidays and Christmas!! My favourite time of the year. Haha.

Time really flies by quickly. Just one month plus to go and sayonara to year 2007.

Can't help but feel sad, nostalgic and a bit reluctant.
Reluctant for time to run past me.
Reluctant to grow older another year.
Reluctant to start the same routine all over again. Classes, exams, you know, the works.

I have always, ALWAYS loved the end of the year. Especially the month of December. It feels like you're saying goodbye you know.
As if another one of your life's chapter has finally come to an end, closed and put aside. With no other use except for remembrance, lessons and experience.

Well, wish as I might, I can never stop Father Time from doing his work. NO matter how hard I grab on or hold on to time, it just slips by my fingers. So, what I will have to do is just run along with it. Yup, run along with time.

Dismiss the idea of looking back at the past, slowing time's journey. Dismiss the idea of looking to the future, running faster than time. Not that I don't look back to learn from it or look forward to anticipate it.

I should just accept things as they come along and enjoy my present. Haha. Instead of saying "Three more weeks till training ends!" I should say, "What? Already? That's fast. Was really enjoying myself here."

HAHAHAHA. No, really, I do enjoy myself. Just tired out.


Esee said…
I help you enjoy your present..give me pressie..haha lau liao bleuks i know you hate this
chian said…
i've 7 more weeks to go..............
but look at the bright side, i've already worked for 3 weeks :)
Kath said…
Esee: YOU give me present to enjoy le...haha. I do hate it.

CL: Yay! like the opposite of me.. :)

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