Social Network Sites

Warning : Biased opinions ahead and maybe sexist remarks as well. With occasional outbursts!

Do not read if you have a weak heart or want to retain a good image of the me that you know. Haha...

Oh ya, long post ahead too.

Nowadays we have so many social networking websites popping up like mushorooms after a heavy downpour. It's hard not to be involved with them when everytime your friends keep inviting you to join.

I don't usually join every Tom, Dick and Harry sites that my friends invite me to. No matter how many times they send emails saying "Please join or so-and-so will feel that you don't care." Bla bla bla. Cut the crap. (Not my friends' fault, it's a computer generated invitation, whaddaya expect?)

Friendster, Facebook, Multiply. These are some social sites that I've joined and learned to love. I keep updates in there and I go 'busybodying' around as well. Usual right?

In these websites, friends or people who add me are people that I actually know. You've seen them before in PERSON. Well, most, for the record anyway. Or at least they are local. So it's not so bad.

There are some other sites, however, where people add you for no reason. I mean they are from US, Singapore, Africa even Malaysia but you have no idea who they are at all. They add you, send you messages, all to which I never reply or approved before. Haha. I am mean. Just leave them dangling.

They are just out to scam on girls!! Okay maybe not scam.. but take a look at their profile and 99% of their friends are girls clad scantily in bikinis. Do I want to be associated with these kind of people? NO!!! Heck, I have no grudges against girls in bikinis, go ahead by all means. You got it, you flaunt it.

What I am angry about is the people who add me. GUYS!!! Again, not to all guys in general but these kind of guys! I am not for any random friendship thing. (Sorry, no can do.) Just because my display pic shows me in a spaghetti strap and somehow I look nice, they want to add me. Skin deep people!!! Girls in straps, showing thier cleavage, baring their everything are all you think about ain't it?! Ha! I bet if I put a horrible pic of me in there no one will add me at all especially these phantom people. Shameful!! (By the way, I didn't show anything, I was just wearing a harmless top for goodness sake!)

The site that I am currently talking about is Tagged. I am not complaining bout the site, rather bout the people who join it. I have seriously no idea how they (the phantom people who add me) found me. I am not even remotely connected to any of them! Except my friends.. Urgh!! I have had about 5 of these kind of invitations, 4 of which are from guys!!! You should see the messages they send me and all of it from different guys as well! I get the goose bumps reading them.. Eew!! I am very tempted to post them here.. but I thought better not.

Let me just say that I am not against any social networking sites or getting to know new people. But I'd just rather be among my own friends. People whom I know in person. If I want to meet new people, I want to meet them in real flesh too, not through some cyberthing!! Somehow I just don't trust it as people can lie about almost anything...


chian said…
"xxx has Tagged you =)"
stupid emails.

hahah, girl, that means u're HOT.
Appreciate it.(HAHA) even though they look like shit and send the messages to like, 70, 80 other girls out there..
Kath said…
haha.. yea yea like that email title..irritating sial..

Eesh.. haha. Thanks. Ok, i will take this advice of yours. I AM HOT baby!!!

chian said…

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