Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep leads to tiredness.

Tiredness leads to impatience.

Impatience leads to irritation.

Irritation leads to frustration.

Frustration leads to short temper.

Short temper leads to angry outbursts.

Which lead to words being said impulsively, unmeaningly and spitefully.

Which leads to hurt and unseen scars.

Hurt that is not easily forgotten though forgiven.
Scars which will never be removed.

And a distance between the hearts exist. No longer close as before.


chian said…
who did you hurt?
ha? Haa? HAAA?
notti gurl
ask cy to smack u ahhaahah!
Kath said…
MY small sis la.. poor thing. Snapped at her. Eh, why must it be CY to smack me? He's very good at smacking ppl is it? Haha
Lai Tee @ Grace said…
oy! have a good night sleep, and good luck on your presentation...see you :)
Kath said…
Haha.. thanks. Really don't feel like doing it but it will only be on the last day of the last week of training. See you soon! :)

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