Second week of October

OK.. which shall I start on first? tick tock tick tock.. OK!!

First : My gym experience

I've never been to a gym, never put a foot in at their doorstep too. Reason : I am not much of a sports/active person. So it was only thanks to a generous friend who had 7 days passes to California fitness that I had my first experience in a gym. (Tee, thanks for sharing it with me!)

Hari pertama : Had to register lo.. bla bla. Tried to get us to sign up..haha. Gave excuses.. but quite valid ones. Went for two hours of excercise on the 'monstrous-looking' machines/equipments. (Sorry, I'm a kampung kid when it comes to these things.)

Di Er Tian : One hour workout.. getting used to the equipments now..haha. Later, one hour hip hop class known as Street 101.. Instrcutor was quite good looking but his name was a bit odd, SUNNY...heheh.

The Third Day : No workout on machines, gave 'them' a break from my meddling hands..haha. Went for two hours of classes. First, aerobics. Second, belly dancing!!! My stomach hurt like nuts after that day. Laughing became a burden...

Dai Sei Yat : One hour workout then about an hour's dip in the gym's outdoor swimming pool.. In the hot sun. I didn't jump in the Jacuzzi for some reason (which I shall not say).. sigh. Ah!!! I wanted that...

Hari Kelima : One hour workout. Wanted to join another belly dancing class but I freaked out.. felt out of place.. don't know.. (Sorry tee). Then one hour of another hip hop class but with a different instructor.. This guy was funnier... talk to people more..haha.

Di Liu Tian : Burn!!

The Last and Ultimate day : Burn!!

Not free to go.. So hangus lo the pass. Haha!!

Second : Car road tax problem

Road tax expired on the 11th. Dad went to renew but couldn't BECAUSE somebody got a summon using the car! *Ahem* And it was not paid yet... Pah! Waiting for discounts.. I wish. So dad settled that and went back to renew the road tax.

However, according to their computer system, the car was still blacklisted for one offense. MY offense commited last year in April!!! What the heck?! It was paid one year ago!! Paid in the month of May 2006. Gave them some big bucks too! RM 300 no doubt! So what do you mean it's not settled? Where did the money go then? But thank God I kept the receipt.. nearly threw it away... Eesh!

Dad's going to take the receipt and show it to them (JPJ).. let them settle with the police department if they're not happy. We did pay.

And the car's road tax could still be renewed during October last year.. But it can't for this year. Weird...
I give up.


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