Alcohol Down the Drain

I have started my industrial training.

During the last week, I was put in charge of some machine called rotary evaporator and my job was to get the mangosteen skin extract.

The mangosteen skins were first soaked in methanol (an alcohol) for days, filtered for the liquid and then only is it poured into the evaporator machine to get the extract.

In this machine, the methanol will evaporate and later condense into another beaker. The methanol after this is useless thus it is thrown away.

While I was doing this process, I asked my supervisor where I should dispose of the methanol because it is obvious you can't just throw it into the sink.

She said. "Sink."

Oh, I thought to myself. Perhaps they do it differently in here. So I followed and happily just poured the methanol down the sink next to me. I did that last Friday.

Today, as I was going to dispose of another batch of methanol down the sink again, my supervisor saw me and asked, "That's methanol right? You have to throw it into the waste bottle."

I was like huh??

So she showed me where the bottle was, she said, "Throw it in C".

Then only realisation dawn on me, she meant the bottle labelled C and not sink!!!

Goodness knows how much methanol I've poured down the sink, into drains which lead to rivers and eventually the seas and oceans!
Goodness knows how many microorganisms, cells, tissues I have killed because of my mishearing!

Ahh!!! I am so dead.


Esee said…
horhor tata hu...murderer! so we got free juice?
Kath said…
What free juice? I no get you..
chian said…
GREAT! the fishes will be drinking methanol down their throat because of YOU! DIE because of YOU! poor nemo..

Killer cat.
Kath said…
YEa!! Then I end up eating the fish.. cat ma. Haha. WHat goes around comes around... NO!!!
JeNz said…
no wonder d fishmonger told me the other day that the fish supply was interrupted......
Kath said…
Ha? Serious ah.. that's bad.. haha. Will not do it again.

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